Travel to prevent dengue fever, Jiqing quick test reagent to help you travel without worry


In summer and autumn, with the proliferation of mosquitoes, mosquito-borne diseases, such as dengue fever, also follow, threatening people’s health! You must pay attention to the prevention of dengue fever when you go out for fun and travel to high endemic areas such as Southeast Asia.Jiqing

Dengue fever is an infectious disease that is not directly transmitted from person to person. It is mainly transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus (commonly known as “Aedes anthopictus”). Dengue fever generally has an incubation period of 3 to 15 days. Fever, muscle soreness, rash and other symptoms are common after dengue infection, and severe bleeding, shock and even death can occur in a few cases. There is no vaccine to prevent dengue. Therefore, the most important measures to prevent dengue fever are mosquito control and mosquito eradication to cut off the source of dengue virus transmission.

dengue fever

Therefore, when you go out to play, try to avoid staying in the shade, grass and other areas during the peak mosquito activity (7-9 am and 5 PM). Wear long-sleeved clothes and pants when going out to avoid exposing your skin. At the same time, please prepare anti – mosquito products, such as repellent, mosquito repellent toilet water.

Detection Kit

Even so, if you are still unlucky enough to suffer from fever and other symptoms after traveling in endemic areas, please take the Jiqing biological dengue kit with you and test it easily anytime and anywhere to prevent infection.

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